Concreep Refilled

Factorio Mod that spreads and upgrades brick, concrete, refined concrete, and landfill around roboports. Very UPS light. Based upon various forks of the original "Concreep" mod for Factorio by Mylon, utoxin, and Nick Busey.

2 years ago
Logistic network

g Avoid Ore Patches option?

6 months ago

I like the ability to not have to place millions of concrete manually, but I DON'T like how it looks with concrete somehow being slipped under the ore patches. Could there be an option to have Concreep ignore ore patches, perhaps with an optional buffer area? I don't know how much overhead this will introduce, but I can't imagine it's that hard to check if the targeted tile has ore and skip it.

6 months ago

FWIW, when I play I use ore eraser or ore mover to just get rid of the ore.

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