Concreep Refilled

Factorio Mod that spreads and upgrades brick, concrete, refined concrete, and landfill around roboports. Very UPS light. Based upon various forks of the original "Concreep" mod for Factorio by Mylon, utoxin, and Nick Busey.

2 years ago
Logistic network

i Leave trees alone?

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Would it be possible to add an option to not clear cut trees and rocks when creeping tiles?

Personally just like leaving trees up in my factory and don't want to store the wood. (Also sometimes play with a mod that spawns biters from cut trees.)

8 months ago

Hm... unsure. Life is a bit "full" right now, but next time I'm in the code, I will look into this.

8 months ago

Hopefully I did it correctly, but I created a pull request for adding a toggle to the settings and only clearing trees, rocks, etc... if it's true.

8 months ago

Nice! Added a question. Will merge after answer. If I forget (b/c life is very very busy), just feel free to remind me somewhere.

7 months ago

I don't see any questions or comments on my pull request? I'm happy to make any changes you need but I don't see anything.

7 months ago

Oh, the question was about removing the line that used a cliff explosive, if it was intended to be commented out. Whether Factorio uses one automatically now, or if we still needed to forcibly use one up.

7 months ago

The commented out line was part of the current code, I didn't comment it out. I can remove it if you like, all I did was add an if statement.

7 months ago

Lemme look again, maybe I read the diff wrong.

7 months ago

I had. Merged. I'll need to make a release.

7 months ago

Thank you for taking a look, I really appreciate it. Github really should have an option to ignore whitespace when viewing the diff, the only change I made to those lines was increased indenting to fit the if statement but it looked like I rewrote the whole block.

New response