Concreep Refilled

Factorio Mod that spreads and upgrades brick, concrete, refined concrete, and landfill around roboports. Very UPS light. Based upon various forks of the original "Concreep" mod for Factorio by Mylon, utoxin, and Nick Busey.

2 years ago
Logistic network

i customisation

1 year, 3 months ago

hello, i was wondering if you could add an option to use another type of flooring ( in this case Electric Tile ) for concreep

1 year, 3 months ago

I've been wanting to allow changing the the types of tiles to others, but wasn't sure the best way. I've also been super busy sadly. (If anyone wants to submit a PR, they are welcome!)

1 year, 3 months ago

hmm, maybe based on mod detection and toggles ( checkboxes ) for mods that are found, or maybe by a text box where the player writes in the concreep selection of flooring tiles?

1 year, 3 months ago

textbox would work, just that user discovery of options is difficult... a drop down with all possible tiles would also be problematic (it'd be very long and probably make the gui laggy)...

8 months ago

What about using the pattern detection under the 4x4 of the roboport? Could you just use the tiles that it finds underneath, no messing with the settings (except maybe turning off placing concrete by default) needed.

8 months ago

I removed the pattern detection feature b/c it was VERY buggy... I am reticent to put it back in...

8 months ago

Ah, I thought I still saw it in the mod description but it doesn't seem to be there.

6 months ago

hmm, about the drop down menu, u could add a search bar for it, maybe add some exclusions, or maybe a mod filter as well, could be a good thing to look in to

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