Compound Splitters deprecated

Update: the mod author has officially abandoned the mod, if you wish to take over the mod, pm the author via the forums.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

g Such a great mod!

8 years ago

Downloaded it to get an alternative to smartsplitters (they still have their niche) due to the fpu heaviness of it and I wanted to share that compoundsplitter only uses 1/20 to 1/30th of cpu time if debug is to be believed

it took a while to understand how I need to set it up, but more due to being unsure if I understood correctly, more pictures and of easier examples would be nice

8 years ago

I've been meaning to get pictures for a setup of the splitter and the available totem positions at some point.

Speed was definitely the primary goal of the mod. I'm happy with the fact that an 8-belt CS is about the same speed, simulation wise, as an 8-belt n^2 style splitter.

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