Changes the color of the pollution to light blue for easier visibility on the map & changes the color of the hives on the map from red to white.
18/9/2023 - 7:30PM
Thanks to LCStark in the discussions, the mod now auto updates the map whenever you join, old save or new. Big shoutout!
18/9/2023 - 2PM
Changed nests / hive colors from red to white. They update as soon as you come in contact with them on saves pre-mod installation. If you install the mod and start a new save, they will already be white.
If you want to, you can force the map to refresh with a command but bare in mind this will disable achievements. Dunno how to go around that as of yet.
/c game.forces.player.rechart()
17/9/2023 -
Created the mod and changed the pollution from brownish to blue.