
Factorissimo but instead of a factory warehouse it's a copy-paste circuit warehouse. A composite combinator combined with combinations of combinators from a combinator combinator

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1
Circuit network

g Error on leaving the circuit

3 years ago

Error while running event circuitissimo::on_gui_click (ID 1)
Unknown entity name: stack-combinator-output_tiny
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'create_entity'
circuitissimo/control_chips.lua:222: in function 'Construct'
circuitissimo/control_chips.lua:87: in function 'PlayerExit'
circuitissimo/control_chips.lua:90: in function 'y'
circuitissimo/lib/lib_control.lua:287: in function <circuitissimo/lib/lib_control.lua:287>

I assume is has something to do with the stack combinator from 'Stack Combinator Mod' as this was the only combinator in the circuit at the time...

2 years ago

I have the same type of error/crash when I have constant combinators in the circuit.

Unknown entity name:constant-combinator_tiny

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