Factorissimo but instead of a factory warehouse it's a copy-paste circuit warehouse. A composite combinator combined with combinations of combinators from a combinator combinator
Maybe I'm missing something, but all the combinators I lay down inside have no power so the whole thing doesn't work. Do I need to connect it to something?
Same thing happens to me. The circuit chip is powered but inside anything I place shows it has no power. AND both contant combinators show as simple combinators, they don't show any input, although I have something returning a value connected to the "in" end and also have a decider also connected as witness to make sure there is input to receive
It'd be nice to have power inside so you can test circuits while you're building it.
Possibly replicate signals between interior and exterior, i.e changes you make are "live" which is probably possible.
Would be hilarious to see a tiny character replica running around inside the combinator that mimics your position.
But on the outside the entire combinator needs to be covered in a power field or it wont work.