Circuit Visualizer

by _1024

Similar to the `Pipe Visualizer` mod, but for circut networks.

16 days ago
Circuit network

g Small feature request

27 days ago

in my game entities are constantly being destroyed, so I won't use the mod afraid it will hurt UPS

it would be cool if you added an option to either:
- only updates on player input
- only updates when player connects/disconnects

question: can I add/remove mid savegame?

25 days ago
  • Destroying entities only updates them if they are connected to anything and visualized by the mod.
  • Connecting/disconnecting entities only updates when it's done by the player, due to technical limitations.
  • Yes, you can add/remove mid savegame. But maybe make a backup just in case. If you wan't to remove the mod it might be necessary to use "hide all networks" button first (or the command if you are in myltiplayer).

New response