Circuit Network Research Management

by fen11

Adds a 'Research Admistration' building that can be sent circuit network signals to control the research queue.

2 months ago
Circuit network

g Error when loading a savegame where this mod was not previously used

2 months ago

I wanted to load a savegame of a playthrough where I did not use mods and had this mod 0.0.6 activated.

This is the error message during load:
Die Mod Circuit Network Research Management (0.0.6) hat einen Fehler verursacht, der nicht behoben werden kann.
Bitte informiere den Autor der Mod über diesen Fehler.

Error while running event circuit-network-research-management::on_configuration_changed
circuit-network-research-management/control.lua:740: attempt to compare nil with string
stack traceback:
circuit-network-research-management/control.lua:740: in function <circuit-network-research-management/control.lua:737>

New response