Chonky Trains

by therax

Tired of tiny toy trains? Give your factory some real weight with these realistically-scaled locomotives and wagons.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i no Chonky Artillery Wagon?

3 years ago

Im loving using this mod, but Its quite a shame to see there is no chonky artillery wagon, I would have loved to play around with a Dora/Gustav scaled gun

2 years ago

I agree, that would be super cool!

2 years ago

I did try it, and the results weren’t great. The artillery cannon looked too obviously oval, which is fine on the fluid wagon tanks but really jarring on a gun barrel.

2 years ago

Is it possible to scale the barrel separately and insert its texture into the rest of the artillery wagon? Or completely scale it differently from the rest of the wagons to avoid the oval?

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