Chonky Trains

by therax

Tired of tiny toy trains? Give your factory some real weight with these realistically-scaled locomotives and wagons.

5 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Damn. Wanted to like…

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

… since I love TRAINS and not those toy trains as you say. I even have a (horribly UPS) map with 3-60 trains (yup, exactly… nope, not currently playing this or similar, it's from 0.16 and ran in 0.17, not tried yet in 0.18).

But then when I tried it, I noticed there is no visible linkage (obvs result of upscaling) between cars. And… damn, I really wanted to use it, and had begun reworking my train grid (because I have no space between rails), but I can't with this glitch. :-(

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

This is fixable by pushing the wheels out to the extreme limits of the cars. You have to pick what visual glitches you’re willing to live with. To try it out, go into data-updates.lua and around line 114, change connection_distance to 3, and joint_distance to 11.

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