Car/Tank/Spidertron Locator Button (Find / Locate My Lost Car / Car Finder)

by jeff.s

Where DID I leave my car/tank/spidertron/other modded vehicle? This mod adds a tool-belt icon to help you track it down.

4 months ago
1.0 - 2.0

g Crash when clicking button

2 months ago

Hello, I got the unrecoverable error when clicking the find vehicles button:

The mod Car/Tank/Spidertron Locator Button (2.0.0) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event car-finder::on_lua_shortcut (ID 38)
Unknown entity name: ss-space-spidertron
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'find_entities_filtered'
car-finder/control.lua:84: in function 'find_vehicle_infos'
car-finder/control.lua:149: in function 'print_all_vehicles'
car-finder/control.lua:190: in function 'activate_car_finder'
car-finder/control.lua:200: in function <car-finder/control.lua:198>

The strange thing is I'm not actually using the space spidertron mod. I've used it before but never on this save file.


2 months ago

Go into Settings > Mod Settings > Per Player and find this mod's settings and see if they have anything and reset them to default?

2 months ago

Thanks, that was my bad! Settings must have carried over from another save

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