Build On Any Planet

This mod just removes the build/placement restrictions from the items of each planet. Now you can finally get the #^%*@ off of Gleba and never have to go back. Recommend not installing until you get settled on Aquilo to make it a fair progression. I would have paywalled this behind several Technology research options but that looks like a hell of a lot more work.

2 months ago

b Mod Incompatibility

2 months ago

Found a mod incompatibility for you - Naufulglebunusilo Despite the error message below stating the issue is with the other mod, I know it loads just fine without this mod installed. No idea if you want it to be compatible with this mod, but I thought I should let you know anyway.

Here's the error code on startup I get when both mods are enabled:
"Failed to load mods: naufulglebunusilo/data.lua:27: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'pairs'
naufulglebunusilo/data.lua:27: in main chunk"

a month ago

try adding optional dependency (force load order)

a month ago

(guessing BoAP removes the table that holds the restrictions for item placement, then the planet-adding mod comes in, expecting a table to be there....and it's gone. :3

a month ago

(if that doesn't work, trying changing the stage your code runs at from data to data-updates or data-final-fixes)

a month ago

That actually is a bug in the other mod. They can't just assume that vanilla restrictions (and the table) are there.
This game is meant to be modded; the other mod has to check for nil just like everyone else.

Making your mod use the final fixes stage to catch restrictions added by other mods would likely fix this though.

New response