Brave New World

by canidae

RTS-like scenario for Factorio. Player character is removed, all work must be done by bots

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Config for playing with others overhaul mods

1 year, 3 months ago

Hey, loving playing with this mod, is really another view how to play factorio, i was testing with other packs like, b+a full, py+omini+dangerOres, and also vanilla, and i have read another post about config in this mod, is possible to give a config, to change how many logistics itens are given at start, for a more hard or easy start, and some custom itens, like more ammo or more turret for a death world map, or the habilit to the mod auto change chest itens based on mod started with, like b+a (full) new a 'crusher' on start chest and a custom lab (from b alpha), or omini needing a crush assembly for the start ores, mods like pyanodons have changed the energy consumption on eletric miners, if you can give option to get some solar panels/accumulators (or less too), to change how the start go, will be awesome, i know is a lot to ask, because is more compat to others overaul mods, i showed you mod to some players on angels and pyanodons discord, and they are loving it, also me loved playing with it, btw thanks for maintening this awesome mod, have a nice year sir

1 year, 3 months ago

For some of this, I need to research how to allow mods to add or remove things from the list of start items in this mod. There are tons of mod combos, and making this work for all of them individually is a lot of work..

There is an integration with Seablock right now. I merged it a long time ago, and I can't remember exactly the technique used and whether or not it's generalizable.

As for the logistics items, there currently is an option to be given a special set of robots that are extra fast and don't need a lot of energy to start with. Maybe I could add something to specify the number of starting chests of various colors or how many roboports you start with.

Your post is a bit 'wall of text'. Maybe separating out the different concerns into paragraphs and making a bullet list of things would be helpful.

1 year, 3 months ago

Hey thanks for reply, yeah about the combo mods is really confuse, some mods really need more chests to start and be less boring, or less chests to be more hard, thank for you time, and sorry about the confusion on the text, i will try to be more organized if come with more ideias, btw AWESOME MOD!

1 year, 2 days ago

For some of this, I need to research how to allow mods to add or remove things from the list of start items in this mod. There are tons of mod combos, and making this work for all of them individually is a lot of work..

I think it could be done w/ string settings (list out item IDs to include in the starter kits with a count associated) without needing this, but if you want to know how: LuaRemote could be of use at runtime; at the data step, I believe you can just include a script in a util folder in your mod or something for those mods to require.

As for the logistics items, there currently is an option to be given a special set of robots that are extra fast and don't need a lot of energy to start with. Maybe I could add something to specify the number of starting chests of various colors or how many roboports you start with.

The above could cover this too.

Your post is a bit 'wall of text'. Maybe separating out the different concerns into paragraphs and making a bullet list of things would be helpful.


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