Bob's Logistics Basic Belt Reskin deprecated

by Kirazy

Reskins the grayscale basic-tier belts in Bob's Logistics to be colored as the rest of the belts, with white highlights. Will not be updated for 0.18; functionality continued in Bob's Logistics Belt Reskin, link on mod page.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

i Optimized graphics is done!

5 years ago

Hello there!
I've done repack of your png-graphics for your mod! So now mod files are ~70% smaller in size (so all your graphics size now is1 Megabyte) without visible changes! I'm sure you rate it high ;)
Best regards!!!

5 years ago

Very nice, went through and did a comparison with the originals to make sure. I'll replace them with yours in a bit and push an update in the next few hours.

5 years ago

Good stuff!

5 years ago

Was it done with this PNG optimization script?

5 years ago

This is done with last version of Pinga app, that already can reduce unused palette colours (in PNG optimization script that reduce was made by additional pre-run of pngquant app). There is some minor posibility to reduce filesize of png's some more, but this can be done only with reducing overall number of colours in images that can (and mostly WILL) corrupt visual quality.

P.S. I'm sure that every modder that use .PNG in their mods must optimize their files with PINGA app. This can reduce filesize (up to 90% in some cases). Settings that almost never corrupt quality in our Factorio case are: [Compression = "lossy (strong)"], [Compresion level = "max"], [Quality = right "+" (set to the right position)] , [off dithering]. In many tests this settings provide imo best compression rate without any visible difference ingame. Thanks for listening.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Did the modder take the files? Because they aren't there anymore. And I just noticed that this mod is over five megabytes!! o.O Why so huge?

Ran the files thru TinyPNG. Reduced total size by 4MB

BTW the menu graphic for the underground belt needs updating. It's still using the 0.16 style.

5 years ago

I was waiting for text plates to be updated before redoing the thumbnail, but I went ahead and updated textplates myself locally, so with the optimizations and updated thumbnails, I've pushed an update.

And I did remove 0.17.1, only like 2-3 people had it and it had only been out a few minutes. In hindsight perhaps I should have left it, unless that's not what you're referring to?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

No I was referring to the link given by drd_avel above, which was supposedly a smaller version of your PNG files. The link is now dead, so I unzipped the mod and removed 4MB from the total size by sending the files to TinyPNG. If you do the same, you'll have a far smaller mod.

5 years ago

It's been done. :)

5 years ago

Indeed. Excellent!

5 years ago

About the link from drd_avel, it was graphics for 0.16. Had to redo them for 0.17 since all the belt-related graphics changed, haha.

5 years ago

Optimized to 1.07Mb with Pinga only.
P.S.> Inspected and analyzed compression that provided by tinypng: that script working so that you get smaller and smaller png-file ANYWAY!!! This is impossible without a permanent and continious decrease of image quality, what that script does. Because without deterioration in quality, it is no longer possible to reduce the size of this graphic. Therefore (imho) tinypng playing a dishonest and dirty game with png.

5 years ago

What settings did you use with Pinga to get 1.07Mb? I can only get it down to 1.52Mb with Pinga using your recommended settings above.

5 years ago

Okay. I use reduced palette number (first positions of "Quality" settings provide 96, 128, 160 and so on colours in result palette) and "Grayscale" checkbox (in shadows and masks images), but only when result is absolutely visually same as original. In compexed images with many colours and gradients we must use Quality to last "+" position, or else we can get visual decrease of image quality.
Best regards. Also you can read and other articles from there to get the point.

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