Blueprint Flip and Turn

by NovaM

Mirrors/Flips a blueprint in hand. WARNING: if you are using factorio 1.0 or factorio >= 0.18.37 then you must use the workaround below: - Grab the blueprint from the new blueprint interface - Drop it in the inventory to make a copy. (there is a row of buttons across the top one of has the letter C on it that is the copy button fot the print that is highlighted) - Grab that copy - The flip buttons work on this copy. This issue is not fixable for now, due to Factorio API limitation.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [FIXED in 100.8.5] Bug while loading

4 years ago

The mod was working perfectly before I updated it this morning. Now it gave me this error.

Image of the mod error I am having

4 years ago

208.104 Error MainLoop.cpp:1207: Exception at tick 0: The mod Blueprint Flip and Turn (100.8.3) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event blueprint_flip_and_turn::on_player_created (ID 24)
Unknown style blueprint_reverse_inserters
stack traceback:
blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:159: in function 'doButtons'
blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:185: in function 'manageButtons'
blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:209: in function <blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:207>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'add'
blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:159: in function 'doButtons'
blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:185: in function 'manageButtons'
blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:209: in function <blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:207>

It happens at creation of a new map

4 years ago

The update 100.8.4 also as an error when I start the game:

50.044 Mods to disable:Falha ao carregar mods: The given sprite rectangle (left_top=72x0, right_bottom=108x36) is outside the actual sprite size (left_top=0x0, right_bottom=72x72).: blueprint_flip_and_turn/graphics/gui.png

Mods para serem desativados:
• blueprint_flip_and_turn (100.8.4)

4 years ago

Hello guys,
It should be fixed in the 100.8.5 release.
Sorry for the convenience

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