Blueprint Flip and Turn

by NovaM

Mirrors/Flips a blueprint in hand. WARNING: if you are using factorio 1.0 or factorio >= 0.18.37 then you must use the workaround below: - Grab the blueprint from the new blueprint interface - Drop it in the inventory to make a copy. (there is a row of buttons across the top one of has the letter C on it that is the copy button fot the print that is highlighted) - Grab that copy - The flip buttons work on this copy. This issue is not fixable for now, due to Factorio API limitation.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

b [FIXED in 100.8.5] Error

4 years ago

Die Mod Blueprint Flip and Turn (100.8.3) hat einen Fehler verursacht, der nicht behoben werden kann.
Bitte informiere den Autor der Mod über diesen Fehler.

Error while running event blueprint_flip_and_turn::on_player_created (ID 24)
Unknown style blueprint_reverse_inserters
stack traceback:
blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:159: in function 'doButtons'
blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:185: in function 'manageButtons'
blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:209: in function <blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:207>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'add'
blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:159: in function 'doButtons'
blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:185: in function 'manageButtons'
blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:209: in function <blueprint_flip_and_turn/control.lua:207>

4 years ago

Hello guys,
It should be fixed in the 100.8.5 release.
Sorry for the convenience

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