Blueprint Shotgun

Adds a gun that shoots items to build ghosts, upgrade entities, and more! Also features a vacuum mode to mine entities, tiles, and ground items.

6 months ago

b ✅ Crash when building composite entity

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Title. If I stand inside a building and try to build it, it won't let me build it. But if stand on the very edge and try to build I hear the noise of the "gun" shooting then the game crashes.

Whoops - did 2 seconds of additional testing and it actually just crashes every time I try to build it no matter where I stand.

Maybe it's has something to do with the fact that you can walk on the building (no collision)? I dunno.

Love the mod btw :)

Where I stood:
The error:
Save file:

8 months ago

Thanks for the report, should be fixed in 0.0.9
The issue was when other mods were deleting the entity as soon as it was created, which is needed when doing composite entities.

8 months ago

Just checked and yep, it's fixed in 0.0.9!

New response