Biter Factions

Turns the once peaceful biters into different factions, warring for domination over Nauvis alongside the player. They will fight amongst themselves for land.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Does biter infighting increase evolution factor?

5 years ago

does biter infighting increase the overall world evolution factor?

Thank you for this very creatively fun mod!

5 years ago

Each faction has its own evolution %, which is actually not the same as the "enemy" faction anymore.
It can be hard to see what each Evo % is at, but I can post some console commands to print it if you want to check them

5 years ago

hmm, might be nice to have those. So according to this info the biters would increase each others evolution factor if they were battling out. More evenly matched biters will eventually farm each other for strength. Are these assumptions correct?

5 years ago

also thanks for the mod!

5 years ago

I will just test the syntax of the evo % print commands and copy them in here soon.

The assumption is generally correct - a biter faction which is 'losing' will actually evolve faster (due to losing more nests) and will naturally sort of self balance. Ultimately all the biters will get to 100% evolution, and there will be some pretty crazy battles going on.

5 years ago

/c game.print(game.forces["biter_faction_1"].evolution_factor)
/c game.print(game.forces["biter_faction_2"].evolution_factor)
/c game.print(game.forces["biter_faction_3"].evolution_factor)
/c game.print(game.forces["biter_faction_4"].evolution_factor)
/c game.print(game.forces["biter_faction_5"].evolution_factor)

You can see how much of that % is by nest destruction:
/c game.print(game.forces["biter_faction_1"].evolution_factor_by_killing_spawners)
/c game.print(game.forces["biter_faction_2"].evolution_factor_by_killing_spawners)
/c game.print(game.forces["biter_faction_3"].evolution_factor_by_killing_spawners)
/c game.print(game.forces["biter_faction_4"].evolution_factor_by_killing_spawners)
/c game.print(game.forces["biter_faction_5"].evolution_factor_by_killing_spawners)

alternative percent contributions can be printed with ".evolution_factor_by_pollution " or ".evolution_factor_by_time" on the end

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I haven't played the mod yet to see if it's there, but is it possible to surface that information (or at least the varying evolution factors) onto the spawner nest tooltips (and ensure the spawn %ages are correct)? And maybe add the faction names.

The new tooltip structure seems like a great place to surface some of the key mod information, if you can get it in there. With the rich text feature you might be able to give part of the tooltip text a unique color per faction, which isn't as good as being able to set a global color mask, but would surface the force outside of debug mode.

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