Modpack dedicated to vanilla gameplay with quality-of-life improvements.
Collections of mods with tweaks to make them work together.
Version: 2.0.1 Date: 2024-08-01 Bugfixes: - Fixed incorrect setting for enabling use of cluster artillery remote for firing single shots.
Version: 2.0.0 Date: 2024-06-26 Changes: - Dependency updates: - Base game (to version 1.1.107) - Advanced Artillery Remotes Continued - Ammo Alerts - Automatic Train Painter - Big Light - Blueprint Signals (continued) - Blueprint Tools - Bottleneck Lite - Color Coded Planners - Construction Planner - Crafting Tools - Cursor Enhancements - Editor Extensions - Extended Descriptions - Factory Planner - Factory Search - Far Reach - Ghost Counter - Milestones - Pavement Drive Assist Continued - Pipe Visualizer - Quick Item Search - Rate Calculator - Recipe Book - Reosurce Highlighter - Shortcuts for 1.1 - Shuttle Train Refresh - Spidertron Enhancements - Spidertron Patrols - Tapeline - Task List - Train Groups - YARM - Resource Monitor - Settings: - Advanced Artillery Remotes Continued, verbose logging is off by default - Advanced Artillery Remotes Continued, enable use of artillery cluster remote for singular shots - Factory Planner, mod settings can no longer be set via modpack (default timescale) - Modpack controls configuration: - Blueprint Tools, SHIFT + arrows for nudging the blueprint - Blueprint Tools, CONTROL + arrows for nudging blueprint grid - Blueprint Tools, CONTROL + SHIFT + arrow for nudging blueprint book grid - Cursor Enhancements, quick craft key binding is disabled (use Crafting Tools instead) - Pipe Visualizer, SHIFT + P to switch colour mode - Pipe Visualizer, CONTROL + P for toggling mouseover visualisation - Pipe Visualizer, CONTROL + SHIFT + P for toggling overlay - Pipe Visualzier, visualize selected is unbound
Version: 1.3.0 Date: 2022-07-26 Features: - Improved visibility for power switch and train stop status light indicators (via "Big Light") - Quicker map tagging using right-click (via "Quick Map Tag") - Thicker power cables and logic wires(via "Thicker Power Wires") - Show unfulfilled requests in the current logistic network (via "What's Missing?") - Rename locomotives, labs, roboports, and radars (via "Renamer") - Pick-up leftover items alongside inserters (via "Pick It Up") - Automatically fill buildings and vehicles with fuel when placing them down (via "Fill4Me")
Version: 1.2.0 Date: 2022-07-20 Changes: - Replaced "Construction Planner" with "Construction Planner Continued" mod. Although it should be a drop-in replacement, make sure to backup the savegame before updating the modpack. - Replaced "Quick Swap" with "Quickbar Vertical Swap" mod. Provides more features, and preserves blueprints on the quickbar (by default).
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 2022-07-15 Changes: - Bumped Pavement Drive Assist Continued mod version requirement. - Driving assistant and cruise control (from Pavement Drive Assist Continued) no longer require technology to be researched. - Disabld smart roads (from Pavement Drive Assist Continued). - Enable toggle notifications for cruise control and driving assistant (from Pavement Drive Assist Continued). New version makes them slightly less annoying sound-wise. Features: - Vehicles - Personal shuttle trains (via "Shuttle Train Refresh")
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 2022-07-08 Changes: - Cleanup range for Even Distribution mod has been limited to default character reach through map settings (make sure to reset the mod setting if necessary). - Auto-approvals for Construction Planner mod are now enabled when starting the game. It might be a bit less confusing for the player to start in vanilla-default state.
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 2022-07-07 Features: - Blueprints - Change circuit signals, station names, filters, colors, and machine recipes in blueprints (via "Blueprint Cloner") - Convert blueprints into signals (using constant combinators) (via "Blueprint Signals (continued)") - Swap wires, set tiles, quick-grid or configure blueprint (via "Blueprint Tools") - Building - Reverse entire belt sections via control binding (via "Belt Reverser") - Force personal bots to build selected ghost entities (via "Bot Prioritizer") - Copy and paste modules alongside crafting machine recipe settings (via "Copy Paste Modules") - Transition to ghost in cursor while building, use pipette for tile selections, cycle between item tiers in cursor (via "Cursor Enhancements") - Use identical reach range for mining resources (trees/rocks/ores) by hand as for building (via "Far Reach") - Keep track of number of ghosts in an area during construction (via "Ghost Counter") - Order module insertion/replacement using selection tool with custom presets (via "Module Inserter") - Combat - Simplified usage of artillery for clearing-out biter nests and map exploration (via "Advanced Artillery Remotes Continued") - Alerts for turrets low on ammo (via "Ammo Alerts") - Controls - [OPTIONAL] Modpack controls configuration - Distribute items evenly across machines (via "Even Distribution") - Export and import quickbars configuration (via "Quickbar Templates") - Swap back and forth first five and last five items in quickbar for easier access (via "Quick Swap") - Remotely toggle and edit constant combinators (via "Remote Constant Combinator") - Wider variety of shortcuts on the shortcut bar (via "Shortcuts for 1.1") - Logistics - Easier item grabbing/temporary requests/auto-trashing (via "Quick Item Search") - Miscellaneous - Enable research queue using console command (via "Enable Research Queue") - Show additional information for items in info screens, like stack sizes etc. (via "Extended Descriptions") - Sort opened inventories (via "Manual Inventory Sorting") - Per-savegame milestones (via "Milestones") - Easily move around/past pipes and tightly-packed machines (via "Squeak Through") - Planning - Plan the base using blueprints and delay their construction (via "Construction Planner") - Prepare and test blueprints in editor environment, within the confines of the existing save-game (via "Editor Extensions") - Calculate ingredient and machine requirements for production quotas (via "Factory Planner") - Calculate input/output rates for selected crafting machines (via "Rate Calculator") - Browse and drill down through item recipes (via "Recipe Book") - Highlight resources on the map view (via "Resource Highlighter (Dark's Version)") - Measure out distances and align entities using a tapeline (via "Tapeline") - Plan future work by creating tasks that can be assigned and completed (similar to a to-do list) (via "Task List") - Monitor raw resource patch consumption and depletion (via "YARM - Resource Monitor") - Production - Craft items from cursor (via "Crafting Tools") - Show bottleneck/crafting indicators (output full, ingredient shortage) for each crafting machine (via "Bottleneck Lite") - Search entire factory to find out where an item is stored, produced, built, used as a signal etc. (via "Factory Search") - Visualise the layout and fluids in pipe networks (via "Pipe Visualizer") - Queue item crafting to the beginning or the end of the crafting queue (via "Queue To Front") - Vehicles - Automated painting of trains/stations based on transported/delivered ingredients (via "Automatic Station Painter", "Automatic Train Painter", "Fluid Wagon Color Mask") - Locate vehicle (via "Car/Tank/Spidertron Locator Button") - Driver assistance system and cruise control (via "Pavement Drive Assist Continued") - Rotate direction the vehicles are facing using the standard controls (via "Rotate Vehicles") - Enhanced control and use of spidertrons with better pathfinding and automated patrols (via "Spidertron Enhancements", "Spidetron Patrols") - Visuals - Better looking alert arrows (via "Better Alert Arrows") - Match entity planner indicators (upgrade/deconstruct/blueprint) with planner outline colours (via "Color-Coded Planners") - Lamps turn on earlier in the evening and turn off later in the morning (via "Configurable Lamp Times") - Realistic-looking flashlight and vehicle light cones (via "Realistic Flashlight") - Spaceship wreck matching player colour (via "Tinted Spaceship") - Warmer color tone when using nightvision equipment (via "Vil's Clear Nightvision")