Better Crafting Queue deprecated

Improves the crafting queue. Uses a smart algorithm to automatically queue more important items to the front. Removes the need to cancel crafts

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i Toggle Keybind

4 years ago

Could you add a keybind to toggle this mod on/off? Sometimes, I don't want the drills to be crafted first & such.

Love it otherwise.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Well I like how this one is smarter and automatic....I have to manually queue things to the front with that. Like I said, the keybind would only be used in rare cases; but it'd be a nice QoL thing.

Or perhaps a mod config that lets the player assign various categories of items a priority, and the higher said priority the closer to the front of the queue it gets placed?

4 years ago

I think the best thing would just be to improve the algorithm itself. Can you tell me what case you would like miners in the back of the queue?

4 years ago

I don't even remember honestly.....the main thing is that the algorithm doesn't really take context into account (e.g. I'm crafting some drills for my mining setup, but then make some extra ammo to refill my turrets afterwards. Ammo is automatically slotted to the front of the queue, even though my drill was half-way finished.)

Situations like that are really the only cases I can think of. Might be more I don't remember though.

I suggested a toggle because I figured that re-writing the algorithm to take context into account would be hard/time-consuming, so a nice simple band-aid fix would be good.