Better Crafting Queue deprecated

Improves the crafting queue. Uses a smart algorithm to automatically queue more important items to the front. Removes the need to cancel crafts

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g [fixed] Auto Scroll issue

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Love this mod... but there is one issue...

If any of the subgroups has allot of craftable items and it has a scroll bar, selecting any item to craft where you have scroll down to select it auto scrolls the list back up. Kinda disorientation and if i want say 2 of the same items i have to scroll down again to select it. Any way to prevent the auto scroll?

4 years ago

This is a bug with factorio modding api

I posted a bug report on the forums

4 years ago

Ahh I see. I will just disable it when i get the scroll bars. Thanks for the great mod!

4 years ago

here's the forum thread if you wanted it

4 years ago

this is now fixed

4 years ago

I just updated and re-enabled this mod seeing the fix, but I am unfortunately still seeing the same issue. Crafting anything when I have to scroll down will reset the scroll back to the top.

4 years ago

yare yare daze