Belt Buffer 0.17

by badway

A buffer for your belts. The original version of the mod is an update for factorio 0.17-0.18. Language Ru, De, En

5 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b [Fixed]Error When Using Upgrade Planner

5 years ago

I'm getting an error about this mod when trying to use Upgrade Planner on a blueprint:

The mod Belt Buffer caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event belt_buffer::on_player_configured_blueprint (ID 70)
Item is not blueprint.
stack traceback:
belt_buffer/control.lua:273: in function <belt_buffer/control.lua:267>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_blueprint_entities'
belt_buffer/control.lua:273: in function <belt_buffer/control.lua:267>

I don't know why I would have this coming up. The blueprint I'm upgrading doesn't contain any belt buffers. It's a blueprint I use for FARL that contains railway entities. This started coming up in version 0.17.69. I have not seen it before.

5 years ago

Now I'll see what can be done, then unsubscribe, thanks for the error report

5 years ago

And what version of the mod do you have installed?
This error occurred in version 0.17.4 and was fixed in version 0.17.5

In any case, try installing
Version: 0.17.6
Date: 25.09.2019.
- When the pipeline buffer was destroyed, the robots did not restore it, referring to the absence of an item in the warehouse, although it was there.

P / s
Not in version: 0.17.5 not in version: 0.17.6 I was not able to cause this error.

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