Belt Balancer 2

Adds Balancer Parts, that can be put together, to balance all adjusting lanes. Updated for better performance and 2.0

2 months ago

b bug found

a month ago

Die Mod Belt Balancer 2 (2.0.9) hat einen Fehler verursacht, der nicht behoben werden kann.
Bitte informiere den Autor der Mod über diesen Fehler.

Error while running event belt-balancer-2::on_robot_mined_entity (ID 67)
belt-balancer-2/objects/balancer.lua:376: attempt to index local 'belt' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
belt-balancer-2/objects/balancer.lua:376: in function 'new_from_part_list'
belt-balancer-2/objects/balancer.lua:413: in function 'check_connected'
belt-balancer-2/objects/part.lua:335: in function 'remove'
belt-balancer-2/control.lua:145: in function <belt-balancer-2/control.lua:134>

a month ago

Getting the same issue here with robots and balancers

a month ago

the way i can get this bug to pop up is if something like a power armor tries to go through a balancer on a belt

a month ago

Happens on completely empty belts for me, certain setups will cause the error/crash whenever you interact with a balancer or a belt which ends up in the bugged state, removing the belt manually, rotating it or having a bot remove it will cause 3 different errors, all likely from the same error

a month ago

One of the errors seems to be the same issue as before; if the item next to a belt balancer is not a belt (but, for instance, a splitter) it breaks

New response