Beautiful Bridge Railway for Cargoships

Add some beautiful bridge-rails (wood, iron, stone-brick) that can be placed on water, and change default Big-electric-pole (now optional as Cargoships has it's own Floating Power poles) and rail-signals to be placeable on water.

1 year, 3 months ago

b Game hangs with large bridge length

1 year, 5 months ago
(updated 1 year, 5 months ago)

Looks like new parameter beautiful-straight-bridge-railway-limit-max-bridge-length affects game.
We set them to 5000 in our game server and game completely hangs, no way to restore it or disable.
It happens when blueprint with bridge rail used.
Please add option to disable it, the same feature from do the same with server.
I cannot provide any logs because game frozen completely.

1 year, 5 months ago

Did you have Only straight rails to be placed on water enabled? It doesn't like the curved rails for some reason. That should help for now until I can look into it more.

1 year, 5 months ago

I confirm the problem. In 400 hours of play I have built many railroads, including bridges. Everywhere and always use only straight bridges. But after the last update, an attempt to build another bridge leads to the game hangs and the need to end it by force.
If you're interested in seeing it, here's a link to the save:!AtJniuxq5pHLqZd1KhO5iohOssbTDg?e=E2YdYL
All you have to do here is move the train further down the railroad, then the drones will fly out and start building automatically, then the game will hang.

1 year, 5 months ago

Me too, things just hang on building. Version 1.2.0 works fine.

1 year, 5 months ago

Adding a +1; game hard locks in a predictable way / place with this version.

When I place this blueprint:
It locks at this point:

New response