Auto Recycling Plant

Adds a recycling plant that scraps things for parts. Original by Ricky Ford, I changed it so that recipies are automatically generated based on all recipies in the game, even ones added or changed by mods.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.15

g Not Actually Compatible With Everything

7 years ago

Incompatible with Creative Mode (and any other mod that adds recipes without ingredients)

Since Reverse Factory encountered this bug before I updated it, and the mods probably share a similar codebase, I assumed that this mod would also have trouble with this.

7 years ago

Thanks for the notice! I'll see if I can do something about that.

Regarding the Reverse Factory mod, it seems they do in fact do the same thing (though not really in the same way). I didn't know Reverse Factory existed, sorry about the overlap there. They do technically function in different ways, so I guess people have some variety at least :]

7 years ago

...are you sure about that? They're both smelting machines that can uncraft anything in the game, and do so by looping over all recipes in data.raw, and adding a reverse recipe for the machine using that information. Right? The logic in the loops might be slightly different, but I'm pretty sure they both go through the same process (if recipe exists, grab recipe's ingredients, add to resultant's products, use recipe as ingredient, etc etc)

Another thing, again, since the mods probably share the same codebase, I imagine that there are some things that cannot be uncrafted, mainly things that have more resultant products than output slots on the machine. Most notably, in vanilla, the Satellite cannot be uncrafted (it clogs the machine, until it's placed and replaced, and doesn't uncraft the satellite), because it turns into a bunch of items that only stack up to 10, which requires more output slots than the machine has.

The other recycling mods do things differently (one is an assembling machine, the other "melts" things down into plates, etc) but these two are almost exactly the same (again, because of their origins). It's okay though, too bad since mods can't be removed from the portal.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Thanks for the advice about output slots, I'll include that with the next version of this mod.

As for the differences, there are actually a few, although they are relatively minor. Reverse Factory looks at items/modules/etc., finds recipes with a matching name, and generates things based on those. This works great in the sense that it will ignore alternate recipes for a single item, but has the issue of not catching items that have a recipe with a different name to the item. Mine looks through every recipe that exists, so nothing is missed, but sometimes multiple recipes are generated for a single item, which can be annoying.

Reverse Factory also seems to have support for Yuoki's mods, whereas mine has support for Bob's mods. I'm also working on a new version of this which will add a thing or two to it, no spoilers though!

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Eh? Support? Shouldn't both mods have support for all recipes added by any other mods? I know for a fact that Reverse Factory works with bobs mods (since I'm using both in most of my playthroughs), and should work with any other mod, as long as they don't try to add recipes in data-final-fixes. And even if they do, as long as Reverse Factory loads after the other mod, it will still be fine. Haven't seen many mods add recipes in data-final-fixes, or at least, nobody has mentioned any issues with other mods yet.

Hmmm, I suppose that is a bit of a difference. I'll allow it ;P
Hmmm, I wonder what you could possibly add... probably some sort of efficiency bit, that changes the amount of resources you get back? That would also allow for differing tiers of recycling machines, with higher tiers recycling at better rates. Maybe.

Oh, and one last bit, in Reverse Factory, the base-alter code was no longer necessary to uncraft the wooden box. I'm not sure if your process still requires it to have no fuel value, but I'm preeetty sure that's fixed. Less code = more better :D

EDIT: Ohhh, I see what you mean about the Yuoki support thing. I forgot that there was an issue with adding Yuoki reverse recipes because of a recipe naming problem.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I completely forgot about the electronics assembling machines! Of course they had their own fancy category, I didn't even notice those couldn't be uncrafted (I guess I never tried...) I guess we both helped each other here, I definitely need to change that now. I tip my hat off to you. :respect:

EDIT: Aghhh.. things like Angels' mods (Refining, PetroChem, etc) are going to be annoying now...

7 years ago

Thanks for the advice, I'm glad I was able to help you out as well :D. You were pretty close on your guess at what I was adding, it is in fact just a higher tier of recycling plant. Best of luck to you going forward!

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Woaaah, you can uncraft fluids? How did you manage that? I thought the only reason we couldn't was because of smelting machines not being able to have a fluid output, unless they changed that? :o
Must investigate!

EDIT: Have successfully reverse-engineered fluid ingredient output >:D

New response