Automatic Fill

by Laendra

Utilizes player mod settings to determine how much fuel or ammo is requested to fill burner type entities or turret type entities, respectively. Tries to utilize the best available option first. To disable an option, set it to 0.

5 years ago

g Small spelling error

5 years ago

Crashed my game using this combined with "Modular Turrets". Turns out you used underscores '_' instead of dashes '-' when putting in shotgun ammo. Couldn't have noticed it anywhere else as no turret in vanilla uses shotgun ammo.

I changed mine already but figured you should know about it. Both in regards to Piercing_Shotgun_Shell and shotgun_shell, Control.lua, between lines 41-44

5 years ago

Fixed. Please let me know if you see any issues :)

5 years ago

Quicktest and no issues. Much appreciated for the quick update on a niche issue

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