Automatic Belt Direction

When laying belts, automatically adjust direction of belt.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g GUI update on 1.3.0

4 years ago

Update 1.3.0 is out.

The mod can now be turned on and off in-game. To toggle the mod, there is now a button on-screen you can click, or you press the CTRL-B keyboard shortcut.

There are mod settings to change this behaviour: You can change the default keyboard shortcut, choose whether you want a button on-screen or not, and choose if the mod should start on or off.

Some of the extra functions or this mod have been disabled in favour of being able to turn the mod on and off. This mainly means that the mod will not try to guess anymore what you want to do. The main feature, laying belts, will of course work at normal.

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