Automatic Belt Direction

When laying belts, automatically adjust direction of belt.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Sounds good to me but clearer to you please halp!

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)
So that happened on the first try to test this mod xD
What i thought? (well it is spaghetti so lets test spaghetti on spaghetti mini game!)
Yes tested and seemed to work pretty well ... till I went to level 2?
Now I didn't understood the error ... is that caused by the mini game?
After lvl 2 and place 1 belt it caused that error
thank you very much
(Trasnporter belt madness to clarify)

6 years ago

I see what happens, it's because that that level is scripted, and it messes with how my mod works. It is fixable, but it requires rewriting parts of the mod.

6 years ago

New version out, 1.2.0 , spaghetti mini game playable among other fixes.

New response