Auto Fill

by Nexela

Autofill inserts items (ammo,fuel,etc) inside entities when placing them in the world.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

g Please add support for General Improvements, and adjustable autofill level.

8 years ago

The mod is here:
I already added some compatibility via commands, but I failed to gasp how to limit autofill count limit, so I get turrets eating 100 ammo, while they usually only need 10 to get the job done.
It'll also be good to have some hotkey to switch between the limited and full autofill - so if you're building a long-term turret nest you just tap a button and suddenly they are filled with 100 magazines, and when you're going to hunt some biters you set it to 10 or 25 or 50 depending on how many you deem needed.

8 years ago

/c"af","insertset", "turret-name={priority=1, group="turrets", limits={10}, {ammo-bullets}}"

limits sets the max, group sets the group when dividing the items

I will take a peek at general improvements tonight and add the stuff in.

And I will look into a hotkey to enable/disable limits. The eventual plan is for a nice GUI so I don't want to spend too much time on this now.

8 years ago

Done and Sorta Done!

New response