General Improvements

by Jouki

Adds many updates of various stuff, new turrets, equipment, ammo, thermal power station (energy source), transmitter of wireless electricity and more

8 years ago
0.13 - 0.14
8 years ago
Latest Version:
0.4.4 (8 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.13 - 0.14
Downloaded by:
19 users

Coming soon in 0.4.5:
- Longer version of Alien underground belt
- Assembling Machine 4 (with 6 modules and 4x4 colision box)
- Advanced Tank (with equipment grid)
- Maybe a new drill machine

[version 0.4.4 - hotfix changelog]
- Updated to the latest version of Factorio [0.14.4]

[version 0.4.3 - hotfix changelog]
- First migration of existing names. Since now I will try to do changes in the way which doesn't cause that sometimes you didn't get every change in last update until you play a new game. (renaming of cargo vagon 2 to avoid duplicates with Bob's mod)
- Cargo vagon 2 capacity increased to 58 from 50

[version 0.4.2 changelog]
- Fixed bug with sprite / selection box of Heavy Laser Turret (it's in the same gridline as assembling machine now)
- Fixed bug when Power Armor MK3 that didn't have grid in 0.14 version
- Fixed bug with equipment that has wrong values of consuption, energy flow and some other values in 0.14 version

  • Thermosolar Panel energy power output increased to 500kW from 300kW (now it has 12 kW per square from 7,1 per square. To compare basic solar panel has 6,6 per square)
  • Alien inserter got reworked graphics, values and renamed to Empowered Stack Inserter.
    Overall speed rate is lower (but still faster than basic stack inserter)
    It's stack type inserter now
    Energy drain increased from 0,5kW to 4kW
    Energy consuption increased to 238kW - it's adjustment for vanilla values.
    The recipe has been changed too. (Stack inserter instead of Fast inserter, 1 Processing unit, Alien artifact decreased to 5 from 10, Iron gear wheel to 10 from 0)
  • Alien Energy Shield energy flow decreased to 640kW (from adjustment 720kW)
  • Power Armor MK3 resistants decreased:
    Physical 12 from 14 / 42% from 43%
    Acid 12 from 14,
    Explosion 24 form 25 / 25% from 53%.
    Time to craft increased to 60 from 25 seconds
  • Equipment Laser Defense MK2 increased attack speed by 13% .
    Damage per shot increased to 35 from 30.
    Range increased to 19 from 18

[Updated compatibility with 0.14.x version]
Adds many updates of various stuff, new turrets, equipment, ammo, thermal power station (energy source), transmitter of wireless electricity and more...

List of Additions:
-Nanobots magazine (SMG)
-Mini Nuke
-Mini Nuke Launcher
-Transimtter Wireless Electricity
-Speed Module 4
-Alien belt
-Alien Inserter
-Alien Underground Belt
-Alien Splitter
-Science Pack 5
-Alien Extract
-Alien CPU
-Explosive rockets Mk.2
-Bursting Accumulator
-Toolbelt 2
-Power Armor Mk.3
-Alien Fusion Core [equip]
-Alien Battery [equip]
-Alien Shield [equip]
-Personal Laser Mk.2 [equip]
-Thermosolar Panel
-Thermal Power Station