Add data storage devices to circuitry! Computers need memory, last time I checked. Works best and adds more features with Bob's electronics, and requires my intermediates package to function. Activating ATI Heatsinks also gives it a boost! Please notify me of any issues, feedback is greatly appreciated! Inspired partly by the mod Unfunny Science (check it out!) and my own computer, who barely has the ram to run this game.
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Dependency | 1.42M | |
Built-in dependency |
base >= 1.1.0 | - |
Required dependency |
boblibrary >= 1.1.6 | 397K |
Optional dependency |
bobelectronics >= 1.1.6 | 245K |
Optional dependency |
bobplates >= 1.1.6 | 256K |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
ati-heatsink >= 1.0.0 | 100 |
Optional dependency |
aai-industry >= 0.5.20 | 523K |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
ati-intermediates >= 1.1.2 | 123 |