Advanced assembly machines

by badway

Adds to the game advanced, high-speed machines for the Assembly of components that are 16 times higher than the vanilla machines 3 levels. Balanced. Language en, ru, de, fi.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g Balanced? ehhhh...

5 years ago

Putting some productivity modules and 12xspeed modules... and the speed is insane. I can make about 14xblue belts worth of iron plates. It's buggy. I'm pumping out 14 ish belts of iron plates from 2 belts of iron ore. And it's all instant. From one single machine with a few beacons...

5 years ago

This is a well-known problem of the game, when the productivity is more than 60%, then much more goods are produced. A similar topic was created on the game forum, where game developers say they know about it, but its solution will increase the requirements for the game, and performance will suffer. You can of course reduce the number of slots for modules, or not exceed 60%

5 years ago

really quick reply. Anyway, if there is a known bug after exceeding 60% productivity, then why allow me to have so many slots usable on the assembly machine?

5 years ago

3 slots for performance modules, 3 slots for lower power consumption, and 3 more spare ones)), in case the first ones break). Let me make 3 slots now? To do?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Version: 0.1.1
Date: 15. 09. 2019.
- In the settings you can specify the number of slots for modules, from 3 to 6, by default it is 4.

5 years ago

before the update, I could put in 3600 iron ores in a max upgraded furnace with 6x10% productivity modules and I would get 56000 iron plates. ~15.5 times more than I put in. When I put the 10x steel plate option, I'd get 36000 ores to 36000 iron plates, but unable to use productivity modules.

for assembly machine:
3600 copper plates input, 4 productivity modules means 360021.4=10080 copper cables. But in-game, I'm getting 19000 copper cables, that's double of what I should be getting.

I see the setting to change it from the default 4 but that can only be done at the start of the map. But it seems irrelevant... sorry that I can't provide more details but tl;dr productivity modules are pumping out more items than they should.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

In the last update of the furnaces, I did not change anything, I only added compatibility with IndustrialRevolution. Ovens create their recipes on the basis of existing ones, ingredients whose production time and quantity of production are multiplied by 10, or by 5 or by 2. But productivity modules should have worked with them. I'll check it now.

And about the bug with productivity modules, it is)), I can’t fix it). How many products you get from the recipe itself, Advanced assembly machines do not change recipes, it just quickly crafts. Saves space.

5 years ago

With ovens, yes, I put productivity modules on a simple recipe and I can’t multiply 10 on a recipe

You need to go into the settings of the mods and find the stoves there and put a tick on the unlocking of the productivity modules for all recipes of stoves

And then it will work (on the left you can see that the recipe is x10)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

This is a link to the forum on the topic
Extra items when assembler/furnace have high speed and productivity bonus at the same time
More goods are produced when speed > 100% + productivity-module, there is a video and the answer of the developer on this topic. if interested, you can take a look

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