Artillery Bombardment Remote

Directs your artillery to bombard a selected area without having to target individual shots

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Pseudo-conflict with Klonan's MIRV Mod

4 years ago

So I was trying out the smart remote with the latest version of both mods installed on the latest version of Factorio. Apparently Klonan has categorize his MIRV remote as artillery as well. As such, using your remote casts down a hail-fire of his MIRV warheads... Which is absurd overkill considering the MIRVs have a radius of like 120 (about 5 chunks.)

I'm not sure if this is a limitation of the base game or not (all remote fire weapons = artillery), but would there be any way so limit your remote to just the base artillery cannons if his mod in installed?

Also, on a semi-related side-note: Is there any possible way to "program" a remote so that it only activates artillery loaded with certain artillery shells? Kinda like how you can filter a deconstruction planner, but for artillery shells? I have an Atomic Artillery mod installed but have yet to use it because I'm afraid of how the your spacing logic would handle it. (Seeing as it'll dump one MIRV from Klonan's mod in the same manner as it would normal artillery, I'm guessing you don't or can't check for the AoE radius of shells?)

Thanks for the mod! It has helped thin out biter nests that annoy me.

4 years ago

I'm not sure if I can - unless there's some API feature that's been added recently or I'm unaware of, I can't do anything other than create the same kind of target flare as the normal remote and let whichever targeting entity that gets it, get it; bigger blast radius artillery is one of the reasons there's tunable spacing settings in the right-click options for the special remotes, but I'm not aware of any way to do better than that.

4 years ago

I noticed that apparently the MIRV mod essentially marks the Rocket Silo as a turret. It shows a turret radius circle if you toggle that option on.

Would it be possible to filter out the Rocket Silo as a viable artillery source given the current state of the game and its API? That's my main concern more so than blast radius adjustment simply because the MIRV is very expensive to build. (Lots of Uranium for the MIRV item plus needing to launch it on a rocket.)

You probably would have to look at his mod to see what it does to see if you can even filter it out as a artillery source. (I imagine his remote is filtering the normal artillery in some way.) In any case, thanks for the mod and taking your time to reply. If nothing can be done about it, it's not a big deal. I'll just have to adapt to the quirks of mods interacting with one another. This case isn't game-breaking, so I can work with it. I mean, heavy artillery of this scale isn't exactly necessary; it's just interesting/fun to (ab)use. ^_^

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