So I was trying out the smart remote with the latest version of both mods installed on the latest version of Factorio. Apparently Klonan has categorize his MIRV remote as artillery as well. As such, using your remote casts down a hail-fire of his MIRV warheads... Which is absurd overkill considering the MIRVs have a radius of like 120 (about 5 chunks.)
I'm not sure if this is a limitation of the base game or not (all remote fire weapons = artillery), but would there be any way so limit your remote to just the base artillery cannons if his mod in installed?
Also, on a semi-related side-note: Is there any possible way to "program" a remote so that it only activates artillery loaded with certain artillery shells? Kinda like how you can filter a deconstruction planner, but for artillery shells? I have an Atomic Artillery mod installed but have yet to use it because I'm afraid of how the your spacing logic would handle it. (Seeing as it'll dump one MIRV from Klonan's mod in the same manner as it would normal artillery, I'm guessing you don't or can't check for the AoE radius of shells?)
Thanks for the mod! It has helped thin out biter nests that annoy me.