Artillery Bombardment Remote

Directs your artillery to bombard a selected area without having to target individual shots

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Can't select areas on map.

4 years ago

I can't select areas on the map with any of the remotes.

It doesn't matter how far zoomed in I am. I tried changing the drag map shortcut to not conflict but that's not it either.

I can only select areas in the normal game view, which means I have to physically go to the biters nests.

Factorio 0.17.79

4 years ago

Are you all the way zoomed in, eg, all the way to the level where a radar revealed area shows the normal, non-map view, and staying there for the duration of the click and drag? Zooming out at all at any point breaks all area selection tools, which is a limitation of the base game.

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