Angel's Refining

Adds ore refining to the game. Compound ores have to be refined before you are able to smelt and cast them into plates. Works best in conjunction with Bobmods and supports additional mods like Yuoki Industries, Uranium Power and Nucular.

11 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Error message after updating your mods

7 years ago

Failed to load mods: Error in assignID, item-group with name "angels-barrels" does not exist.

Source: petrochem-tanks (item-subgroup).

Mods to be disabled:

PS: I was running all your mods fine earlier today and now I am suddenly getting this error after hitting "Check for updates" and downloading the updated versions.

If you need any further information please let me know and thanks for looking into it.

7 years ago

Oh sorry just read the other message which said that I should post them at the forum, will do so instead.