Angel's Refining

Adds ore refining to the game. Compound ores have to be refined before you are able to smelt and cast them into plates. Works best in conjunction with Bobmods and supports additional mods like Yuoki Industries, Uranium Power and Nucular.

1 year, 27 days ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Big problem

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Before the last update I could barrel oil. It took the research after getting the pump 1 called barreling. Before the last update I had a research Barreling and Fluid barreling. Now Barreling is just gone. I disabled angels refining and angels infinite ores(this one because It errors out and won't let me open factorio if I just disable angels refining) and started a new game and it is back. I enable both of the aforementioned mods and start a new game and its gone again. I believe I even just installed angels infinite ore and had this one off and it was fine. So I believe it is the new update you did to the mod. Changelog for 0.6.10 says added barreling for nodule fluids. Perhaps something you did there messed it up. Kinda kills my factory set up if I can't barrel oil and all the other fluids and gasses from that research. I run bobmods too

7 years ago

YYYYYUUUUUPPPPP... Just manually installed 0.6.10 and took out .11 and started a new game. Barreling research is there. Swap the .10 for the .11 and start a new game and barreling is gone. Thats the problem update. Is there anyway to save my factory save file? I loaded my save I probably started on .11 after I switched to the manual .10 and barreling is still gone. I REALLY don't want to start a new factory.... do I have to?

7 years ago

Try the 0.6.12 version, see if that fixes it

7 years ago

Sweet quick response. Thank you so much. Gotta go to work now. Will try in like .... 14hrs... Give or take lol.

7 years ago

I had a moment between breakfast and when I needed to leave to check. With .12 installed I loaded a new game and I loaded the affected save. Both cases we still have the problems above. Loaded .10 and a new map doesn't have that issue but the save file still has the problem.

7 years ago

The empty barrel recipe should be in the fluid handling tab, where all the barreling recipes.

7 years ago

I can make empty barrels just fine. The research "barreling" is now missing and the gasses and fluids that research makes packable is non operational. I make a pump and click it to set the fluid or gas, in this case oil, that I want to pack and the menu to select it is empty. There is a search spyglass an a phrase to select but nothing is below it to select.

7 years ago

Still a big problem