Angel's Refining

Adds ore refining to the game. Compound ores have to be refined before you are able to smelt and cast them into plates. Works best in conjunction with Bobmods and supports additional mods like Yuoki Industries, Uranium Power and Nucular.

1 year, 27 days ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Uranium Ore useless ?

8 years ago

After spending a few hours trying to find a use for Uranium Ore (as part of the fuel rod enrichment step for the Uranium Power mod), I had to come and post to ask if the Uranium Ore produced at the end of a complete cycle of Rubyte is essentially worthless.

I'm running a server with a friend I play with, running the following mods :

. Angel's Addons - Ore Silos
. Angel's Infinite Ores
. Angel's Petro Chemical Processing
. Angel's Refining
. Big Brother
. Bio Industries
. Bob's complete pack
. CMHMod - Rebalancing Bob's Mods
. CMHMod - Bob's End Game
. Nucular
. Uranium Power
. Yuoki's complete Pack

As the image for Uranite and Uranium Ore looked the same, we went down the (very long) path of complete processing of Rubyte, and then the complete path to make the Uranium Slurry. Where the process breaks for us is in attempting to insert Uranium Ore (because again the image looked correct, or perhaps my squinting skill is bad).

I'm hoping to confirm that Uranium Ore is either worthless, or even better if someone can tell me this isn't a bug and we're just doing it wrong.

Love the Mod Angel, hoping this is a bug or a user error where we're just not proceeding correctly. Thanks for any answer provided.

8 years ago

Quick addendum, this is on 0.14 branch of Factorio, if that matters. Again, thanks for any replies.

8 years ago

Uranium Ore is from Nucular, Uraninite is from Uranium Power.
Uranium Ore is in Rubyte. Uraninite and Fluorite is in Jivolite and Crotinnium. There are also recipes for crystallizing these ores from slag.

8 years ago

Ah. Thank you for the quick reply. I just assumed (wrongly) that with the consolidation of ores in your mod, that like other receipes it all flowed from the root ore.

I appreciate you clarifying that though, and as I said, thoroughly enjoy playing your mods and the way that they integrate with other mods. My friend and I are relative noobs to the game, this is our first detailed play through. Were it not for your mods, I think we would have moved on to other games.