Angel's Refining

Adds ore refining to the game. Compound ores have to be refined before you are able to smelt and cast them into plates. Works best in conjunction with Bobmods and supports additional mods like Yuoki Industries, Uranium Power and Nucular.

2 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Youki industries compatibility broke?

7 years ago


Error in assignID, recipe with name 'floatation-waste-water-purification-yi' does not exist.


I got this message today after update the mods :'( i guess is this one, i used to use the floating waste to youki industries so... Not sure. The message doesn't say the mod source

7 years ago

Should be fixed, forgot to change a line when I changed the waste water name.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

hahaha i think i downloaded it before you last update, lets try again. Thanks for the fast reply.

By the way, your mods are really cool.

Is there any way to know which mod throw error whiling build prototypes?

Is working now :)