Angel's Refining

Adds ore refining to the game. Compound ores have to be refined before you are able to smelt and cast them into plates. Works best in conjunction with Bobmods and supports additional mods like Yuoki Industries, Uranium Power and Nucular.

6 months ago
0.14 - 1.1
This mod 17 From other mods 317
Dependency types:
Default 255 Required 147 Conflict 11 Optional 121 Hidden 38
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 2.50M
angelspetrochem >= 0.12.3 197K
angelssmelting >= 0.12.1 193K
angelsbioprocessing >= 0.12.1 176K
angelsindustries >= 0.12.1 102K
SeaBlock >= 0.12.3 95.0K
SeaBlockMetaPack 68.9K
angelsexploration >= 0.12.1 51.8K
AngelBob 38.7K
nullius >= 0.12.6 32.8K
Clowns-Processing >= 0.12.5 21.7K
Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear >= 0.12.1 19.2K
Clowns-Extended-Minerals >= 0.12.1 17.9K
angels-smelting-extended >= 0.12.1 17.8K
PCPRedux >= 0.12.1 9.61K
angelssmelting-extended-upgradet >= 0.11.19 9.34K
extendedangels >= 0.12.5 7.86K
AngelBobPy 4.61K
AnglesRefiningExtension >= 0.12.0 4.40K
seablock-mining >= 0.11.2 4.30K
Angel_Carbon_Instead_Coal >= 0.11.0 4.23K
bobangel2021 3.77K
Barrel_Coolant 3.17K
angels-lyko5-finite >= 0.11.19 2.59K
Complex_Science_Pack_Recipes 2.59K
clean_crafting_menu 2.15K
nach0_modpack_angels 2.01K
distance_independent_ore_patch_size 1.91K
AngelBobPy-blend 1.65K
angelsblocksfix >= 0.11.19 1.21K
Mud_WaterWell 1.13K
YA-SeaBlock >= 0.12.0 1.01K
Angel_paper_for_phenolic_board >= 0.12.0 983
AngelBobClown 853
MomosTweak >= 0.11.18 812
AngelBob_paper_for_phenolic_board >= 0.12.0 732
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack >= 0.11.21 662
Seablock-Tweaks >= 0.11.19 646
MatrixDJ96-Angel-Modpack 587
Dan-MadClown-Science-Cobalt >= 0.11.20 569
thar0l-modpack-abc-base >= 0.11.21 518
seablock-evil-mode >= 0.12.0 470
seablock-mining-fork >= 0.12.0 456
Atlas_NormalOresForAngels 443
FrozenWorld 421
MyModPackMuit >= 0.12.1 421
SeaBlockCustomPack-Variant >= 0.11.19 406
AngelBobSteel >= 0.12.1 385
nco-Manganese_Chrome_Sorting >= 0.10.13 363
seablock-mining-tz >= 0.12.0 360
EndlessResourcesN4 >= 0.12.1 359
AllMods 309
mins-angelbob 273
MinersPack 262
BarrelSizeAngelBobs >= 0.12.2 252
InsaneModpack >= 0.11.19 251
SeafloorPumpWithoutAngelsPetrochem 215
shiverospower >= 0.12.1 205
BABasedModpack >= 0.12.4 198
shiverospetrochem >= 0.12.1 169
NulliusBasedModpack >= 0.12.7 162
YiPack >= 0.11.19 151
jwwolff-mod-pack 147
karosieben_modpack >= 0.11.19 133
Factory_Block 131
N-industrypack 120
shiverosdeutfusion >= 0.12.1 100
atlas-angelOreus-modpack = 0.12.2 92
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack-PATCH >= 0.11.21 88
foltiks_spaghetti_modpack >= 0.11.18 76
landairandseas-modpack 75
crushedlandfill >= 0.12.4 71
wocpack2 61
kayospack 60
space-exploration-bridge-mod >= 0.11.2 52
Clowns-Locale >= 0.10.0 49
SpeaceBlock 45
grimerx-make-outposts-great-again 43
sbf-angelbob-modpack = 0.12.4 30
FerricChloricFix >= 0.7.22 29
mia-fix >= 0.12.0 27
Swiftdrake 22
bekloppt-pack >= 0.12.0 21
angelspetrochemNaOH >= 0.7.22 15
QuickStartTBaA 15
Hexy_AngelBob_Tweaks >= 0.10.14 14
NNCMAngelBob 14
AngelsUsedCoolant >= 0.9.8 13
voidextension >= 0.7.24 12
EAB >= 0.11.0 12
Manganese_Chrome_Sorting >= 0.10.13 12
AngelBob_with_qol_Skelich >= 0.11.16 12
angelssmelting-extended >= 0.7.13 10
LandBlock 10
ABwirefix >= 0.11.6 10
necro_painful_modpack >= 0.10.8 9
IntoTheDeepEnd 9
Better_Thermal_Water >= 0.10.14 9
Silver_Nickel_Swap >= 0.10.14 9
AngelsBobsSelection >= 0.11.4 9
AngelBob_with_qol >= 0.11.16 9
LandBlock_for_1 9
MoreScienceBobs >= 0.11.18 9
MudWaterWell 8
_Mike10ds_mod >= 0.7.22 8
simplepack_angel > 0.11 8
UnChained_Tweaks >= 0.6.11 7
LandfillConverter 7
PayloadAdaptedForBA >= 0.10.8 7
pharmaceutic-fabrication 7
OmnicSalt_Sorting >= 0.10.1 6
OmniMatter_Ore_Deblocker >= 0.9.0 6
ChromiumStopgap >= 0.10.14 6
VoidN >= 0.10.3 6
Sea Wood >= 0.7.0 5
nitricwastereplace >= 0.8.1 5
liquidscience >= 0.7 5
mrorangers_AngelBob_Tweaks >= 0.10.14 5
TindrithAngelTrain >= 0.8.1 5
CrushByHand >= 0.11.8 5
EndlessResourcesN >= 0.10.3 5
StephensModPack 5
utweaks >= 0.11.16 5
TestSpeaceBlock 5
ukezi_fix_for_angels_geodes >= 0.9.10 4
thecomb-aerogels 4
IBSC-tweak >= 0.7.17 4
BaA_Spring_2024_Pack 859
space-exploration 473K
IndustrialRevolution3 60.6K
exotic-industries 26.7K
Mining-Space-Industries-II 9.41K
exotic-industries-compatibility 708
qatmore 665
Sky-Atlas-Metallurgy-Core 567
DyWorld-Dynamics-2 372
asj-modpack-space 135
sole-survivor 31
angelsinfiniteores >= 0.11.19 106K
reskins-angels >= 0.12.3 98.5K
LandfillPainting 79.5K
ScienceCostTweakerM 77.9K
vtk-deep-core-mining >= 0.9 35.5K
angelsaddons-newlocales 25.1K
Clowns-Nuclear >= 0.12.1 24.0K
Factorio-Tiberium 16.9K
Asteroid_Mining >= 0.11.15 16.6K
Clowns-Science >= 0.12.1 14.7K
omnimatter 12.8K
multi-product-recipe-details 12.8K
dark-matter-replicators-18 12.3K
Avatars >= 0.7.0 11.6K
DeadlockStackingForAngels 10.0K
zJatmnYiFixes >= 0.12.0 8.18K
flow-control-expanded-bob >= 0.12.0 8.11K
SunResources >= 0.11.19 7.11K
angelslocaleja_RE >= 0.12.7 6.62K
P-U-M-P-S >= 0.12.1 6.38K
bobangel-pollution 5.43K
omnimatter_compression 5.20K
omnimatter_water 5.04K
DeepMineALT 4.70K
baraws >= 0.11.19 4.69K
Stacked_Mining 4.58K
PyCoalTBaA >= 0.12.7 4.48K
Silly-AbandonedRuins >= 0.11.21 4.36K
more-module-slots 3.99K
MoreSciencePacks-for1_1 >= 0.10.12 3.54K
RLAmod >= 0.11.13 3.27K
X100_assembler 3.05K
vadatajs_landfill_removal 2.63K
steinios_unlasting_oil 1.91K
liquid_ore 1.87K
rich_stone 1.86K
bery0zas-pure-it >= 0.11.19 1.66K
ores-to-landfill >= 0.10.0 1.51K
chemflip 1.45K
angel-SChinese-Atlas 1.31K
friendly_pvp 1.24K
RusGoldLocal-Chapter-2-AngelsMods >= 0.0.1 1.16K
factories-in-tight-spaces >= 0.12.0 1.14K
Oil_Patch_Organizer >= 0.12.0 1.11K
IslandLocked 1.10K
MiningTools_Update 1.06K
randomtorio >= 0.12.4 888
grand-unified-factorio-theory >= 0.11.19 802
smiU >= 0.12.2 748
duff-seablock-megabase >= 0.11.15 736
Based-Gaming-One-Tiberium 656
SeablockPlanningToolsFixed 623
osm-radioactivity 597
OreEverywhereButNotVisiblePlus >= 0.12.1 584
BurnerAssemblingMachine >= 0.10.8 441
Molten_Metals >= 0.12.1 424
xcompat_aai-industry >= 0.12.1 401
dark-tech >= 0.11.11 341
Factorio-Tiberium-Makocb-Fork 321
nihilist_quickstart 318
ZloyNoInfinite 304
1stack5k >= 0.9.14 287
Ingredient_Scrap 280
dirty-fluid-containers >= 0.12.1 274
PHI-XW >= 0.12.0 273
infinite-ore-recipes >= 0.12.0 266
PHI-CL >= 0.12.0 234
ShinyAngelGFX >= 0.10.3 226
MSP-Angel-softlock-fix >= 0.11 211
Noxys_LessHandMoreAssembler 197
FluidPatchOrganizer >= 0.12.0 179
ShinyIcons >= 0.10.3 147
barrel-crafting 131
Biomass_compatibility 101
ore-patch-placer >= 0.12.0 83
research-queue >= 0.1 80
only-smelting >= 0.7.0 79
MoreSciencePacks >= 0.10.12 73
chem_flip 61
LgksRecipeModifications >= 0.10.8 57
yemtostweaks >= 0.12.1 55
research-queue-the-old-new-thing >= 0.1 42
MiningTools 36
MoreScience-BobAngelsExtension 36
egladil-compat >= 0.11.13 28
crafting-efficiency >= 0.10.3 25
_NoCyclesInTechTree 21
AngelBobExtended >= 0.6.1 20
KaoExtended >= 0.6.1 19
SeablockPlanningTools 18
ShinyBob >= 0.6.4 14
vtk-presets >= 0.9 13
adamo-calibration >= 0.10.3 12
NoStarterItems 12
deadlock-stacking-crating-bobs-quickfix 12
bobsangelthon >= 0.3.6 11
angelsaddons-locales 10
angelmods_rus_translation >= 0.9.14 10
extrabobs >= 0.9.10 9
NoMansSky 8
HexMaze 8
ProductivityForAngels 8
functioning-mod >= 0.10.15 7
marathomaton >= 0.7.11 7
ATRSimpleCompress >= 0.10.14 7
1stack >= 0.9.14 7
container-mass-produce >= 0.9.13 6
omnimatter_barrel_fix 6
omnite_fixes >= 0.7.16 5
marathon-continued >= 0.7.11 5
NoFluidstoMine >= 0.0.1 5
ingtweaks >= 0.11 5
useful_byproducts >= 0.3.2 4
depozfixes 4
noiselayercleanup >= 0.9.9 4
error 4
Wizz-AlienLoot 4
Last dependency data update: 13 hours ago (for v0.12.7)