Angel's Addons - Ore Silos deprecated

Adds ore silos for Angels Refining.

4 years ago
0.13 - 0.18

g Please make a ...

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)


Can you make a neutral Storage without name ... Just Silo or Storage Silo.
What will be great.
Really nice graphic!


After i checked that are only named Silos but you can get anything on it, i changed my mind.
New request above.

8 years ago

A Silo for coal would be neat too

8 years ago

Coal Silo done. For a neutral one I need to come up with another model.

8 years ago

Looking forward to a generic one.. though, I think it needs a separate for crushed stone.
Maybe not a silo, but more an open quarry / stone heap type of deal. Got a perfect design in my head, too bad I'm shit at making art :p

8 years ago

You can always throw me a sketch in the forum.

I discovered that the sprites are too big/missaligned need to fix that.

8 years ago

You should make a Tank (liquid)

8 years ago

Actually, I think it would be better if nothing save for the specific ore could go into the specific silo.

7 years ago

is there any reason to make the specific ore silos or are they all the same?