Angel's Addons - C.A.B.

Adds another type of Crawler

11 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

i [Implemented] Config Ading

5 years ago

since i readed the bugs and ideas section i came to think that we need just config in modsetings menu to adjust power output like 500 kw can be defaut but users can use to up 50 MW or basicly anything thay need for that module
and instead maybe just make module stackable more expensive?
like 1 MW more = 2x cost 2 MW more 3X cost and so on

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I'm thinking of adding extra modules that you can add to increase power output. I was waiting on this modding request to be implemented. It will be in the upcomming release, so I am waiting on that. Be patient, I am working on a solution.

5 years ago

I've started reworking the logic, it now contains a setting so you can set how much power the mk1 produces. I've also started adapting the logic to work with a mk2 and eventualy a mk3. In the mean time, you can just tweak the mk1 ;)

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