Alternative Beacons

Overhauls beacons to use exclusion areas in addition to distribution areas. Integrates beacons from multiple mods into a single system. Adds (optional) new beacons while preserving the functionality and usefulness of vanilla beacons.

a month ago

i Alternative Exclusion Area Effect

2 months ago

Is it possible to make different effects for exclusion areas? For example, increasing the electricity demand for the beacons that overlap with exclusion areas?

2 months ago

Practically speaking, yes. Electricity demand is set per prototype in the data stage and cannot be changed in-game, but your example could be possible in a roundabout way. I see two possible implementations:

  • Create extra beacon prototype(s) with different electricity requirements and swap to them when a beacon overlaps an exclusion area, similar to how this mod swaps beacons depending on which modules they have: Modular Beacon Power
  • Create extra beacon prototype(s) to place invisibly on top of the beacons in these scenarios which do nothing except draw extra power.

That said, I don't think I would implement such a thing for this mod since it would bypass the main balancing feature which the beacons are designed around. Electricity generation can be scaled indefinitely, so at some point, the extra power requirements would cease being a significant constraint. I originally experimented with "softer" exclusion areas utilizing diminishing returns and other downsides for overlapping areas, but ultimately found the simpler "hard cutoff" implementation to have plenty of complexity already.

But the fact remains that the exclusion areas could have different effects if that's something you're interested in. A lot of stuff can be done via scripting - it's often a matter of how optimized you can do it rather than whether it can be done in the first place.

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