Collections of mods with tweaks to make them work together.
Version: 1.9.3 Date: 2022.10.04 Bugfixes: - Landmine kills caused script error
Version: 1.9.2 Date: 2022.09.25 Changes: - Fix damage spread to only between bullet/fire/laser
Version: 1.9.1 Date: 2022.09.22 Changes: - Nuke craters more efficient, smaller water puddle - Fixed crash on adaptive biters gui
Version: 1.9.0 Date: 2022.09.18 Changes: - Adaptive biters info tab added - More aggressive biter expansion - New worlds
Version: 1.8.1 Date: 2022.09.04 Changes: - Nuke craters fill in more evenly/quickly with water
Version: 1.8.0 Date: 2022.09.02 Changes: - Nuke craters!
Version: 0.0.1 Date: 2022.08.19 Changes: - Start moving to mod from scenario - Adaptive Biters! Optimisations: - Code tidying and cleanup.