Akontio's Fanmade Music

by Akontio

Adds factorio inspired music.

1 year, 26 days ago


  • What kind of music is this?

It is a collection of music I have produced to be as similar to Factorio's soundtrack.

  • Can I hear a sample of what this is?

Check the soundcloud URL (in the homepage) to hear it. I'm open to judgement, or if anything seems off.

  • I think this mod is causing problems

This mod runs on super simple code and just cycle's randomly along the main OST, don't know how it could break anything.

  • Can I use this music?

As long as credit is given I don't mind.

  • Do you plan to keep updating this?

With how I've set this up it may look more dedicated then it is, in reality this is a music mod I made for a few random friends. I randomly get overly fixated for very small things- maybe some sort of OCD I've developed. (Well hell, I already play factorio).

I don't plan to make music frequently but if I do, I try to make it be up to par. If I'm online I usually shift through the discussion board once a month. If you want to contact me about something privately, my user is 'akontio' on discord.