AiX Matter deprecated

by AlienX

During your exploration of the planet, you stumble across a new type of fluid. You find that when you inject this fluid with other materials it becomes empowered. AiX Matter is the base of this mod, use it to better your base and automation.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Bug

4 years ago

So, there is a bug in the latest release. I can't research "Matter Oil Processing" because one of the requirements is a "Matter Infused Chemical Science Pack", however to make them I need "Solid Matter Fuel" which is impossible to get because "Matter Oil Processing" hasn't been researched yet. I've looked everywhere and I can't find anywhere that Solid Matter Fuel can be crafted manually (unlikely), so I figured this was an oversight, however it blocks progression on the mod completely.

Thank you.

4 years ago

Thanks for the report, i'll look into it now :)

4 years ago

Hi again King,
I am a little confused, I thought that I had fixed this in a release a long while ago, and it seems that I did.

As you can see here, the recipe no longer requires Solid Matter Fuel:

Can you please ensure you are on the latest version. If you are it would be really useful to have your save in case this is a migration issue.

New response