AFK crafter

by guevin1

Tired of crafting everything by hand? or do you forget to craft things on a regular basis? Then this mod is for you

3 months ago

g thanks for mod

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

I posted 2 feedbacks already but I also want to add that this mod is basically exactly what I wanted, as someone who is allergic to designing malls I tend to just get crafting speed research mods and manual craft stuff until bots.

again, exactly the kind of mod I needed but didn't know. I hope you will continue working on this and keep improving it

I do feel like the UI could use work, like something similar to the logistics requests would make it much easier to organize and see all of the auto craft requests, but that is a very minor nitpick for something that works perfectly as is

3 months ago

Thank you for using my mod!

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