Aech's Module Revamp

modules have one extra crafting step, and can be nullified and re-specialized. New art for all modules.

5 months ago

g Compatibility with alder save files

5 months ago

Hi there,

I like this mod's idea but there is one thing that makes it unplayable for existing save files. I guess your idea is to open null modules recipes along with models research itself but once mod being installed on top of existing save file with modules being already researched it changes modules recipes to use null modules but does not automatically unlock null modules recipe itself.

In terms of testing try to uninstall this mod, then create new "rocket madness" save file and then load it with your mod installed, you would see all major flaws.


5 months ago

I asked GPT about a function that can be used to solve this issue. Here is a function, probably you need to run it multiple times for all types of researchable modules so it unlocks null module recipe if any of modules is already researched

function unlockRecipeIfTechResearched(inputTechName, recipeName)
-- Check if the technology is researched
local tech = game.technology_prototypes[inputTechName]
if tech and tech.researched then
-- Unlock the recipe if the technology is researched
local force = game.forces["player"]
if force and[recipeName] then[recipeName].enabled = true

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

While it does not automatically unlock the new recipes, it does add three new researches not found in the vanilla game which allow you to go back and research Null modules for yourself (Tier 2 module research unlocks both T2 and T1, and Tier 3 module research unlocks T3, T2, and T1.)

I understand that might cause issues in something like Rocket Rush, where research should never happen, but rocket rush is a game mode meant to be played in one sitting; if you start a Rocket Rush game with the mod installed, it works fine. (and you can always research the modules in RR, as labs and science packs are still craftable)

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