Let's assume you factory consumes the power P, as shown in the electric network view.
Your day takes X seconds, night takes Y seconds.
So your factory consume P*(X+Y) Joules per day.
Further assume your solar complex produces the power Q.
To supply the factory one cycle, you need Q=P(1+Y/X) solar power and a heat capacity C=PY.
A rectangular solarthermal array of the same tier with nominal power P0 and size NM (both >= 2) produces the power P0(5(N-2)(M-2)+8*(N+M-4)+12).
The heat capacity is determined by solarthermal arrays, heat-pipes, heat-exchangers and most important heat-accumulators. Note that heat capacitance is in J/°C and the usage temperature difference is 500°C (500-1000°C).
With numbers: Lets say the factory consumes constantly 10 MW. Days are 100 seconds, nights are 200 seconds.
Then you need 30 MW solar power or an array size of 6*7 on tier 1 (11.04MW). The required accumulator capacity is 2GJ.
A heat-accumulator stores 5MJ energy per °C. Hence you would need 400 °C temperature difference at one accumulator so one heat-accumulator would be enough for this example if operated between 550 and 950 °C.
If you would need more than 500°C in your case, you would have to add more accumulators.
Also note that a solarthermal array only conducts 5MW heat so you will need 6 heat-pipe taps on the example setup. Heat-pipes conduct 1 GJ so this shouldn't be a problem except for megabases.