Adrizz's Logistics deprecated

Adds a fourth tier of logistics

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.0

b Can't seem to find the incompatibility

4 years ago

I'm getting this error:
Failed to load mods: Closing file adrizz-logistics/graphics/hr-swift-splitter-east.png failed (-105): adrizz-logistics/graphics/hr-swift-splitter-east.png
Mods to be disabled:

My current enabled mods are:

4 years ago

Im currently looking into the issue, thanks for sending it!

4 years ago

After asking around in the modding community, this seems to be an issue with your OS, not with the mods used nor my modification specifically.

Try validating game files if you are on steam, or wipe Factorio from your hard drive and reinstall it from the Factorio webpage (You can keep the savefiles, just remember to back them up). And reinstall my mod too. If this doesn't solve the issue , then I have no knowledge of how to solve it.

4 years ago

I have been pointed to a possible solution, go to Steam launch options, and type "-force-opengl" into the box. Without quotation marks of course

New response